Wednesday 5 February 2014

cut off again........

Well six weeks minimum without a railway line to the south west. This part of the country is taking a hell of a hammering. For overseas readers, these websites will give you the situation. for UK readers, especially those in the south west and along the River thoughts are with you all.

Will this weather ever end?

All photographs copyright BBC

my beloved Plymouth Hoe a few hours ago and below the damage at the very spot where this wave is breaking

Meanwhile in Looe - not for the first time has the tide come into the town in the last few weeks
And in Porthleven, well pretty terrifying really
I believe six boats sunk in PorthLeven!
Back closer to home at Kingsand, a place Arwen and I often sail over to - just across the sound
Most of the beach appears to be in the streets with associated window damage!
This was Newlyn!
and here we are - cut off once again - our only railway line to the south west from the rest of the Dawlish - the seawall and embankment seem to have disappeared!


  1. Gee Wizz things are looking bad in your hemisphere hope they improve soon. On an older post this link may interest

  2. The telegraph have some stunning pictures - for once the word awesome is appropriate

  3. I heard about the Ghost Ship full of cannibal rats heading your way, but this looks much worse.

  4. Thanks Paul
    I ordered and got a copy of small wooden boats magazine. Very interesting on tents. Thanks for the tip

    In meantime saw the photos max! Give a sense of realism. It is pretty grim at the moment and no let up in sight anywhere.


  5. hey Joel
    How you doing?

    yep - interesting dilemma - the weather or cannibalistic rats.....there's a good chance the ship will sink in the weather before reaching shore!

    I blame you lot across the pond. Your polar vortex and all that!!
    Only joking although it does seem that the jet stream locked in its current position is bring massive weather systems across from the east coast USA etc - are east coasters catching weather like that experienced here in UK?


  6. It's impossible to do anything about the weather, but we have plenty of experience dealing with cannibal rats. We elect them and ship them off to Washington DC.

    Yeah, the East coast has been in a deep freeze for a while but (knock on wood) we out here on the Left coast have been sneaking by unnoticed.


Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.