Monday 22 July 2013

Where did the sun go?

After weeks of heat wave ..........fog, cool breezes and definitely no sun. This morning a steady breeze and some activity from the Royal Marines as entertainment landing craft em. It felt damp and clammy but warm albeit significantly cooler than we have experienced of late. With winds directly from the south it was a series of tacks down to the breakwater and Arwen and I took time out to practice a little 'self sailing' I.e. Arwen sails herself.

Then a phone call from my friend had me scurrying back to the pontoon to collect her. She had all her gear and was keen to sail. We headed out and raised sails........and no wind. No wind, no sun, no porpoise.......nothing. Some jumping mackerel kept us entertained for a few minutes but we just languished around drifting nowhere except back towards shore as the spring tide increased in strength. The afternoon wore on and eventually winds did pick up enough for an hour or so of decent sailing but fickle wind shifts kept us on our toes. It was good to catch up with an old friend and I have promised her another sail.....when the sun is out, breezes are steadier and there are porpoise back in the sound. No pressure then!


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