Sunday 21 July 2013

Today and tomorrow

Well I was hoping to go sailing this afternoon. Phone my friend Dave, mosy on down across to Cawsand; but it wasn't to be. Strong winds and the need to get a new car radio installed put paid to such plans.

However, tomorrow is looking better and an old friend from school has asked to come sailing, collecting on a promise made a couple of years ago. She is really looking forward to it so I'm hoping the weather will hold. It should be cloudy but clearing, around 20C and maybe the odd shower. Thunderstorms will have hopefully passed over during the night. Winds should be from north east swinging southerly, starting force six but dropping to force three as the afternoon progresses.  Tides are near springs with low water around 12.15pm and 0.8m in height rising to 5.5m around 18.30pm.

I suspect that she will be happy to helm and I vaguely remember that she has done a little sailing before but on bigger boats. We will try for Cawsand and a stop on the beach. We may be able to run along the inside of the breakwater as well.

I'm looking forward to it


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