Tuesday 28 May 2013


About the spelling mistakes and grammar in the last post. Using the iPad drives me mad. When you come to proof red the draft blog won't scroll down and so much of what you have typed remains out of view...........really frustrating. Stick in a photo and it makes the situation far worse!

The above shot shows the stern of Arwen. The outboard seems to be performing well although I still haven't quite got a feel for how far I can go on one tank of fuel. There is one of the black plastic cleats which hopefully will be replaced by a nice oiled iroko one in the next few weeks. Just in the top right on the coaming is one of the newly installed 'tuff bag' plastic pencil cases. One on each side they have proved really useful for camera bits and pieces, hand held compass, GPS and spare batteries.     I also installed a plastic tray thingy under the port rear transom deck. I fashioned a sliding lid from scrap ply. It holds sun cream, lip salve, more spare batteries, notebook and china graph pencils etc. Binoculars sit comfortably on top, wedged in the upper part of this plastic tray/bin affair. And, as I discovered on Sunday, everything works. Everything is now close to hand and I didn't need to scrabble in my rucksack once. Wonderful!



  1. Looks nice Steve. Looks like a well outfitted and salted sailing craft.

  2. Thanks Rik. I think we are finally there at long last.


Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at www.youtube.com/c/plymouthwelshboy. Look forward to hearing from you.