Tuesday 28 May 2013

Precious days

I've just been reading Steve's blog about 'Spartina', his Welsford Pathfinder. He was out sailing with friends on Sunday too and clearly had a lovely time. You can read his blog here at

He talked about 'precious days' out on the water and he's right
. Days like Sunday with blue skies, steady breezes and sunny skies are rare indeed.

Strangely perhaps, I love the whole rigmarole of rigging Arwen before the sail. It is an opportunity to check rigging for wear and tear; plan though the voyages in my head; check the weather conditions and muse on life in general. Sunday started well with a chat to one of the marina yard crew about his family, heir progress in school and life in general. A couple of 'real' sailor salt types came by and admired Aren (thank heavens I'd cleaned her up on Saturday!). Of course, the downside of these little chats is you fail to spot he mistakes you've made. I discovered this in Jennycliffe bay when I went to use the lazy jacks. I'd managed to raise he mast in such a way got he sails fell to one side of the lazy jacks and not between them. No amount of fiddling was going o sort hem and o you will see in the most recent videos that he lazy jacks are loose and twisted...........

On the water boats will often sail past Arwen. She always gets a wave and a yelled compliment. I think it is a combination of graceful design by John and the tan sails. Tan sails bring out the old 'salt dog' in Briish sailors.......well certain sailors........over here we call them 'old gaffers'. I also think experienced sailors of a certain age would wistfully like to 'downsize' but don't quite get around to doing so. Maybe they are envious of the small boat s ability to crawl up mud lined creeks. I think American friends call it 'gunk holing'?

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