Friday 5 April 2013

Tough calls in life

Irene is a ketch built in 1907 by one Mr. Carver. She is on our UK historic ships register and at the moment she is alongside in the Barbican in Plymouth. It looks as if she is being fitted out. Life rafts in those white oval canisters mounted on wooden frames were strewn across their aft decks yesterday awaiting some permanent positioning. Now sadly, the camera that I carry permanently in my waterproof jacket decided to run out of battery charge, so dear readers, I will endeavour to go back down the barbican later to try and get said photographs. She is an absolute stunner in some ways although some tidying up still needs to be done. I would love to be able to sail out on her but sadly I doubt I will be able to afford it. Ce cera and all that.
Her historic ships entry can be found here.

Her website can be found here at

In the meantime I am now faced with one of those dilemmas all men face occasionally in their lifetime. Today is a holiday. She wot must be obeyed has had to go to work. It's 8.14am. Usually I've already done a couple of hours on my normal teaching day. SWMBO has left me a the washing, put it on radiators, cut the grass, trim the hedges, tidy the house, make sure teenage son tidies his bedroom, clean the kitchen...........on my list is photos of Irene, fit the new mast supports, trim all ropes with my new hot knife gizmo, whip said rope ends, clean up Arwen, de-winter the outboard. In the back room are 80 coursework projects which need grading and around 20 hrs of lesson planning before I go back to work.

Tough decision. Duty, fear of SWMBO or just 'chill'in'.  Tough,tough call!


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