Friday 5 April 2013

Bits and pieces

Well mast cradles are on their way. Similar to Joel's, they are painted white and currently drying in the garage downstairs.  I've got one which drops down the mast hole on the front deck; the rear one lies across the coaming aft of the centre case.  I have to line them with an old camping mat I have in the basement but they should be ready by end of the week. Not that there is any rush. The weather remains "breezy" he says..........25mph for the next few days with gusts around 35mph.

In the meantime I have had my first extended drive out on "Stacey". We went up onto the moors along by the china clay works running through Lee Moor and Wotter before descending down to Elfordleigh and Boringdon Hall. I haven't yet got the gear change off pat yet; there were a few over revved gear changes!

My son and I have different ideas about what constitutes "spongy" brakes. So tomorrow the brakes get adjusted. I discovered this going downhill when I wanted to stop at the T junction at the  foot of it; but surprisingly didn't as the big white stop lines gently trundled underneath me and the houses opposite became somewhat larger and more solid looking as I entered their front gardens!!!

A few hours of fun with the missus........a lifetime of payback! I love them dearly, honestly.


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