Wednesday 27 February 2013

Another navigator approaches a launch date

My good friend Joel, over the pond, has posted about another navigator about to be launched. You can read Joel's post at


Saturday 16 February 2013

Somewhat to my amazement........

I managed to pass my CBT today for the scooter. The humiliation of failing given that number one son passed it last week would have been unbearable.


His first big adventure

My son has just completed his first big scooter journey; 20 miles across Dartmoor. At the other end, a pit stop to have a bacon Sarnie and chips with his good old Dad. "Stacey" did very well. She can reach 40mph, has a nifty turn of speed, handles well and feels well balanced and responsive. Not bad for a 50 year old. Sounds a bit like my missus!


Tuesday 5 February 2013

Navigator stingaree is for sale 

Some iPad apps

I promised that I'd post on  some iPad apps when I had had a play with them. Well I still have to test and evaluate the ones to do with sailing but I have been playing with one or two I like. One is called popplet. Essentially it is a simple mind mapping programme that allows you to add text boxes, photos and I'm not sure but will check, possibly video clips.

Another one is 'paper'. Now I do like this one because it allows you to do watercolour and pen sketches with merely a finger. I am no artist and not amount of practice will get to be one but he a a couple of attempts whilst out on Plymouth hoe last weekend. They are scenes from the Plymouth sound scenery; looking across to Drakes Island and also eastwards towards the Mountbatten pier and Jennycliffe bay. Forgive my amateurish attempts but it has been fun.


Friday 1 February 2013

Well here is a moment we have waited for

Number one son on his very first scooter lesson