Monday 4 February 2013

Some iPad apps

I promised that I'd post on  some iPad apps when I had had a play with them. Well I still have to test and evaluate the ones to do with sailing but I have been playing with one or two I like. One is called popplet. Essentially it is a simple mind mapping programme that allows you to add text boxes, photos and I'm not sure but will check, possibly video clips.

Another one is 'paper'. Now I do like this one because it allows you to do watercolour and pen sketches with merely a finger. I am no artist and not amount of practice will get to be one but he a a couple of attempts whilst out on Plymouth hoe last weekend. They are scenes from the Plymouth sound scenery; looking across to Drakes Island and also eastwards towards the Mountbatten pier and Jennycliffe bay. Forgive my amateurish attempts but it has been fun.


1 comment:

  1. Greetings Steve. I'd like for you to review my iPhone app: . I ran across your passage plan (here in the US we call them float plans) template and think it will be a great add to Arwen's safety gear. I enjoyed browsing your posts.


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