Saturday 9 February 2013

His first big adventure

My son has just completed his first big scooter journey; 20 miles across Dartmoor. At the other end, a pit stop to have a bacon Sarnie and chips with his good old Dad. "Stacey" did very well. She can reach 40mph, has a nifty turn of speed, handles well and feels well balanced and responsive. Not bad for a 50 year old. Sounds a bit like my missus!



  1. Great, now I'm going to have to go Google what a "bacon Sarnie" is :-)

  2. OK, so a bacon sarnie appears to be a bacon sandwitch made from about a pound of bacon. Sort of like a big BLT with all the healthy bits like the lettuce and tomato removed. I always thought we were the masters of unhealthy food. I mean, we have place in Vegas called the Heart Attack Grill that serves up a burger called the quadruple bypass burger that weighs 1.4kg and packs just under 10,000 calories. People have literally died eating them. But even we won't pack that much bacon on a sandwich!

  3. Sorry Joel. Dad was taken ill and hospitalised and so i fell behind with replies. Good to hear from you. Dad is ok. He had a second stroke but was released at weekend.
    Your bacon Sarnie impression is slightly wrong. I think your side of the pond will still hold the excess record. A uk Sarnie is two slices of brown or white bread, with two thin rashers of bacon, smoked or unsmoked, and of course, tomato or brown sauce. Bacon can be grilled or fried to your personal liking.


  4. I'm so terribly sorry to hear about your Dad, Steve. I've grown quite fond of him from your writings. I hope and pray he's made a full recovery.

  5. Thanks Joel. I have huge faith in my dad; like my mum, they are both feisty and determined in low key ways. Dad will work th rough it all. H e hates being ill and knowing him, he isn't going to let this get I the way of anything



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