Wednesday 12 September 2012

quick don't miss it....a welsford video

I discovered this fascinating Youtube clip - a talk by John and some other colleagues about what to look for in a small boat. It was quite illuminating. I discovered by chance through the openboat forum and then later discovered that our good friend Joel (Yo Joel - how ya doin - and well done sir!) had recorded it with John's permission.  It's about 55 minutes long but well worth sticking with. So throw out the kids for an hour; pack the Missus off shopping; take the phone off the hook; find a comfy chair and a beer or cuppa...and sit back for some intellectual discussion about what makes a good safe small boat!

Well done Joel!




  1. Thanks Steve, I have another video too, from John and Howard that I will post on my blog and it's on my YouTube channel as well. Feel free to link to it if you like.

  2. Sorry Steve, I was asked by Howard Rice to remove this video because they are going to produce a book and film for sale.

  3. Ah - OK no problem - I will work out how to remove the video from the blog. Thanks for letting me know. You take care. Chat soon


  4. Ah - OK no problem - I will work out how to remove the video from the blog. Thanks for letting me know. You take care. Chat soon



Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.