Wednesday 12 September 2012

Dave and his navigator creases!

Dave is a navigator owner and he has just posted these photos on the JW forum. I hope he doesn’t mind me posting them here on the blog; I’m having trouble reaching him via the forum at the moment. So Dave if you are reading this and don’t want to be – send me a comment and I’ll remove this post immediately and please accept my apologies for not being able to get in touch via the forum. Technical gremlins my end which I am battling to resolve as you are reading this.

 Anyway, Dave was attending a wooden boat regatta around Bribie Island north of Brisbane, Australia. He had perfect weather and good winds blowing around 15 to 20 knots when the pictures were taken.
His boat is the one with the blue hull and a boom on the main sail. He observes that the photos suggest that he has It appears from these a slightly bigger jib and a fuller main and so he felt this should make his boat a bit quicker! What he discovered was that the two boats were very evenly matched despite appearances in these photos.
So he posed a question……….for navigator owners…………………….”how do I get rid of those wrinkles in my main? They may not be slowing me down but I don't think they are very attractive. What am I doing wrong?”

Given I sail a sprit boom I really have no advice to offer but I know a huge bunch of guys who will. JW himself got rid of my creases by giving me an analogy about a hankerchief! That is the value of the JW forum; expertise is always a click away! Dave has a blog about his navigator. Well worth a visit at

The JW forum is at 


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Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.