Sunday 22 July 2012

Well here goes..................

The weather today has been fantastic with the sun out all day. I'll post a short report of our walk around Cawsand, Mt Edgecumbe and Plymouth Hoe in a later report. In the meantime...well here goes......I'm going to try and get out tomorrow and Tuesday for a sail.

Nothing fancy now. A shakedown cruise for Arwen over to Cawsand and back. Some trying out of the new GoPro camera and working out positions for mountings on Arwen; some sailing up to mooring buoys and coming alongside practise.

If the beach at Cawsand isn't too crowded (as it was today) then testing the new anchor pulley system will also be on the cards.

Tides are slightly awkward for the day - huge spring tides. High tide is around 08.30 and low tide around 15.30.  I won't be able to get back onto the slipway until around 18.00.  Thus I will probably launch around 11 ish and mosey on out to Cawsand for a while. Might don the wetsuit and go for a snorkel. Then I can potter back and do the manoeuvres until the tides are such that I can get back in on the slipway. Should be home for 19.30 ish.

With luck, no reversing into anything; no flat tyres and no disasters....probably jinxed it now by saying that haven't I!!


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