Sunday 22 July 2012

We had a lovely day which started with a trip on the Cawsand Ferry. We walked from Cawsand around the coastline to Mt Edgecumbe Country Park and then caught the Cremyll ferry back to Stonehouse Creek before walking around past Millbay Docks and up onto the Hoe where a classic bus rally was taking place.

A really nice day


It started with a coffee at one of our favourite cafes

followed by a stroll down the bridge to the ferry pontoon

where the little Cawsand ferry was coming alongside

there was time to admire the newly refurbished Mayflower Steps from which the Pilgrim Fathers set sail

and watch the boats coming through the lock gates from Sutton Harbour

our local fire boat came alongside as well

then it was across the sound to Cawsand beach and that funny fog bank

one of my favourite anchorages

Cawsand Beach

Mooring up until Friday's Plymouth Classic Boat Show

Passing the Folly with Drakes Island behind it


  1. Great place, we anchored off Cawsand and round the other side in Barn Pool for more than a week once, catching the ferry across to mayflower marina to get into town, it was so nice we just couldn't think of anywhere better to go

  2. The Cawsand ferry just drops passengers off on the beach?? That's so cool!

  3. Yep! Sometimes I have to shake myself to remind me of how lucky I am to live in such a spectacular area.

    The Ferryman is a great guy, friendly, exceptionally knowledgeable. His day didn't start well with a blocked water pump and the fog but it must have got better at some point!


  4. See, now that would never work over here. Some idiot would step in the water, hire a lawyer and sue the ferry because they ruined his $200 shoes.
    *sigh* I really love the U.K. You're a country of Real People, not lunatics.

  5. Ah now some would say it is our lunacy which makes us so...ahem.....'quirky'!
    we are a nation of adventurous madcapped bods I must admit! who else will sit out on rainswept beaches and call it a holiday?



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