Monday 2 July 2012

well the gopro has arrived

So first impressions:
"Wow! It really is small"
"How much did you pay for that?" (guess who had that to say!!)

After a quick examination:
  • a clever bit of kit
  • easy to use interface (note Wayne's comments on last post about old Gopro Hero)
  • plastic housing seems sturdy but easily scratched
  • lenses could be scratched easily when outside the protective case
  • the sticky pads seem bomb proof - the demonstration one that comes securing the camera in the box - well we still haven't prised it off its plastic base and believe me we have been trying - so pretty impressive on that front thus far
  • the mount system seems versatile
We like on first impressions:
  • the tripod mount (will attach it to our gorilla tripod - a piece of kit we both LOVE!)
  • headband seems comfortable and easily adjusted for head or helmet
  • the floaty attachment is cool, neat, small and RED - so easy to spot
It is charging at the moment so we haven't taken any film yet.

Things we are worried about:
  • scratching the lenses
  • the outer waterproof case closing mechanism takes a bit of getting use to. The click when it closes sounds awfully like polycarbonate plastic fracturing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • the fact that the camera doesn't have a viewing LCD. This is bought as a separate attachment known as a LCD BacPac.  Most of the reviews we read recommend getting it but also say that it isn't a problem not having it as you just point it in the general direction that you want to film. The angle of view at 170 degrees means that you will be in the ball park figure of what you want to film. Even so - not being able to frame what you want to film is initially disconcerting!
  • remembering all the different configurations and choices on the set up menu and how to actually get from one thing to another using only two buttons to navigate!!
  • that the sticky pads will stick to Arwen's painted deck i.e. the paint will hold!!
  • that the bike mounts don't seem very substantial...can they take the pounding of a teenage mountain biker with a death wish on  a bike with 29 inch wheels rushing down the sides of Dartmoor? (that's my son by the way not me!)
Well we will let you know in the next few days!!


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