Sunday 6 May 2012

We popped along to Salcombe yesterday for a little break after a very tough week. OFSTED visited my school and as always, it was a tough experience. I don't have a problem with being scrutinised. We are public servants after all and the public have the right to expect that we maintain high standards and do our very best for the students and communities we serve. But why, oh why do many of OFSTED inspectors have to be so arrogant and 'bullish'? Sacrcasm and an inquisitorial style that makes the Spanish Inquisition look like a chat between friends around the barbie! Not all inspectors, but enough to make it an unpleasant experience.

Still enough about that.
Salcombe. We arrived to find the Salcombe yawl fleet out and about. It seemed pretty cut throat out on the water. I think they were racing up channel to Kingsbridge and back...but I could have been wrong.

lots of to-ing and fro-ing

pretty breeze with some interesting gusts

the ferry inn was an excellent viewpoint with lovely windows, food and service
highly recommended

trying to get into a position for the race start

gets pretty intense out there

final few seconds to the start

and they are off up channel

well most are
some just like to be out for the fun

Now it's time to reassemble the house, empty the car, put the study back into one piece, clear all the folders and bags of books from the entrance hallway; sailing......well only after I've reassembled the house and put in some quality father and husband time!



  1. Wow, what a beautiful sight to see all those yawls racing. We have nothing like that here. Do you know what they are called? They appear to be about the same size as a Navigator.


    That should keep you busy for a bit Joel! They are pricey; I've also found one or two of them to be somewhat pushy and arrogant on the water and at Batson creek slipway; but that is only one or two. Others have been lovely and chatted amicably whilst waiting for trailers to be bought down. I guess that is the same in any class/association



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