Sunday 6 May 2012

I was thinking about light wind sailing in Arwen. I never quite get it right somehow. Some of the JW forum members gave helpful advice.

• Make all your boat movements slow and gentle

• Use minimum rudder angles and far larger turning circles as the rudder will act as a big brake

• Sitting over so that Arwen leans to leeward because the immersed chine will provide a shape that will encourage her to round up into the turn.

• Increasing or decreasing the weight on the helm will also be a factor

• Making sure that crew trim is correct – sitting as far forward as possible in light winds

• Hesitate in releasing the jib in a tack so that it backs slightly; a move that helps push her around more rapidly

I guess doing something with the sails would also be useful as well but I can never remember what – should you tighten them or loosen them slightly so that you get a bit of a belly between the sprit boom and the sail.......questions , questions , questions...............


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