Saturday 11 February 2012

help us figure out 'Stacey's' wiring....please!!!!!!!!

Someone with knowledge of vespa wiring save us please!!

We have a loom made up for us by Beedspeed which is a great piece of work but the colours - well they don't match  up to other bits and pieces and we are confused.
This is the wiring diagram that Beedspeed sent us. Big version and up close version!!

We have managed to wire up the rear light despite it also having different colours loom to light. Obviously we haven't tested this yet!! So we won't say 'correctly wired up'. That would be tempting fate!

Below is a picture of our regulator, the original one which came off the bike. It seems in good condition but we would have no idea how to check it. We are slightly confused by the letters in the black plastic and the colour sticker colours. Stupidly, this is the only part where we didn't take a photo before taking it off the scooter...the ONLY time we didn't do a photo. Unbelievable!

Anyway, we had a set of wires coming out of the stator plate and using the original photos, we put the end of these back into the blue electric coil box(?) as they were originally. 

Is this wired up correctly as there are two slots for a green wire?

There were two other wires coming from the stator plate which were blue and black and we wired these up to the blue and black wires on the wiring loom, via a junction box. We are slightly confused here as on the plan it only shows a blue wire from the stator and we definitely had a blue one and a black one!! So, do we have this right?

Anyway, when we look down into the inside of the scooter frame where the carb is - this is now what we have.

All the cables are coming from the left hand side bar the two mentioned above which have come up through a hole in the floor panel just out of sight under the carb.

These two shots are of the top part of the wires you can see coming up from the bottom of the floor area in the photograph above:

so from left to right we have
a black single wire with connector; a double green wire with one connector on it; and another single wire with connector.
Exactly where do each of these wires go?

in the photo below we have on the other set of wires........
a single blue wire with connector; a single grey wire with connector; a black wire with a) a single connector and then another off shot wire with a circular tag at end which looks like it should slip over a bolt somewhere but I have no idea where
so.........where should these wires be going?

so the $64 million question..............................where on earth do each of these wires go? Which connect to the regulator and then were do any left overs go?  I have three tabs on the regulator and six spade connectors...confused? You have no someone please save us!!


PS and this is what it is all looking like underneath - have we got this bit right?

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