Saturday 11 February 2012

bits and bobs

It's the first day of half term and its's a 'bits and bobs' day. Been for a walk along the Plym estuary down the side of Saltram House. Chilly! 

The little beach off the lower Saltram estate with a little jetty wall. I keep meaning to find out why it was built here and what boats used to come up the Plym channel to moor here
I suspect there was far less silt here some 120 years ago!

Came back and checked under Arwen's covers. No Mould! Yippee! I've left the covers on  loosely this winter after some tips from forum members last year and it seems to have worked. I put the sails back in ready, just in case a nice crisp winter sunny day arrived at a weekend. Sadly no luck yet!

Fitted Arwen's new compass, a Silva 70 UN sighting compass onto the back of the centre case. It seemed the best place to put it where I wouldn't catch it with my knee. It's a tad close to the cleat where I put the jib sheet when single handing but I think it will be OK.  It doesn't seem to be affected by anything metallic as far as I can see. It's in a high visibility area and also easily accessible to extract for handholding.

I stuck on the new vinyl 'badge' on Arwen's port quarter sheer plank area. I got it from 'Creeksailor' - see the blog roll list on the side here for his website. It says
"Small boat sailors do it in mud, sand and shoal waters"

It's circular, about 7 cm in diameter and has a creamy buff background colour and darkish brown exterior edge. In the centre is a nice little watercolour of a small boat with a little cuddy/cabin and a tan gaff sail and tan jib. hanging off the starboard side, over the hull,  from the shroud is a little pair of green wellies.  I like it and it is stuck on Arwen to remind me that this year a sailing ambition is to a) sail all the way up the Tamar to Calstock with my Dad, God Bless him,  and b) to sail up the Lynher and into the muddy saltings creeks around St Germans where I shall beach Arwen and do an overnight camp in splendid marsh salting surroundings with oystercatchers, curlews and egrets for company. 

Took 'Stacey' off her crate and saw the underside of the floor panels for the first time in months. That horrible arch cut away just stares at us. we have come to the conclusion that number 1 son will ride 'Stacey' for a few years. She will get scratches, dents, dings. Then we will sell her. At that point we will then fix a new plate over this cut away piece which is missing. It seems silly to put a piece in now and ruin the candy apple paint job. Our friend down the road who is a scooter MOT tester says it will pass no problems and he's had a good poke around. He's happy with the footbrake pedal and plate arrangement too. So we will put black duct tape over the hole for now. It will be hidden by the mudguard. That will stop gunk off the road going down the inside of the U section. Must replace those brake plate bolts with smaller ones whilst I think about it!

I can feel Spring is just around the corner.........sailing trips.......not long now!


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