Saturday 10 September 2011

words fail me..............

There are insufficient superlatives to describe today..................................

The day started with pigeons getting up early to get the prime seats

With the Sound in early morning being like this...........................


........and it ending up like this.........................

And in between?
Well there was this.............................

..............and this................


and this...................

Yes dear was .........................


Home for the second leg of the ACWS second leg 2011

And although the winds were too strong for Arwen to sail out today (25 kts) is some of the action she missed..................

helicopters buzzing the crowds and boats

the world's top sailors racing for us

 and all of these are for my best sailing buddy daughter....who sadly had to return to University today and so missed all of this........and I missed her sharing it with me too

the support crews making sure everything was as it should be

the boat crews doing final preparation checks

the crowds coming out to support the oldest international sporting trophy  in the world

with the most cutting edge, technologically advanced multi hulls


Today I got interviewed by the TV, sneaked in slightly early to the sailing village, met some lovely French security guards, a former British Olympian kayaker, a lovely couple from USA worried about their Irish Ferry crossing tomorrow night (I'd be concerned too given the national weather alert we've all been put on), had a lovely Bacon bap and Latte and got a prime viewing spot on the Hoe........its been heaven.........this is as good as it gets! Well, almost, I missed daughter No. 1!

I have so many great photos (well great for me), some amazing video footage and stories to tell so I'll spread them out over a few blogs.  The America's Cup in my fair city.......a once in a lifetime event!


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