Friday 9 September 2011

This is the live webcam link at Millbay Docks in Plymouth with 17 hrs to go!!

yes.......guess's's time for....................................

Below are some of the shots taken this week on the water in Plymouth Sound. 
We've had thrills, spills, capsizes, boats almost on rocks. the winds have risen - it's going to be hairy sailing by the seat of your pants stuff tomorrow!!

Here are some of the shots by Ricardo Pinto (copyright Richardo Pinto 2011)

My city is making history this week...for the first time in 160 years, the America's cup is returning to the UK!! We host the new look world series second leg. It culminates in San Francisco in 2013.
Nine 45ft catamarans capable of speeds up to 35 mph and they will be reaching that in the next few days as the remnants of Hurricane Irene batter our western shores.

Whilst there will be plenty of action on the water, there is a festival village on the Hoe. A big screen will relay live images from onboard cameras so you can see what crews see. there is a stage for local music bands and gigs which will run throughout the day and evening. racing begins at 14.00 tomorrow!

copyright ACWS

They are saying these boats are 'space age technolgy' with a 'wing' mainsail that towers 20m above the 'deck'.
The 'wing' can drive the boat in light winds at three times the speed of the wind........I think I understand that! The wing design creates lift like an aircraft wing and this lift pulls the boat along

weather report for tomorrow

Anyway here are the stat's. The hull is 13m long and maximum width is 21m. with centreboard down, draft is 2.7m and displacement is 1400 kgs. The wingsail area is 85 square metres and the gennie area is 125 square metres. The jib comes in at 40 metres (square).

After Plymouth this coming week, the show packs up and heads south for the Panama canal and a journey up to San Diego, concluding in Newport Rhode Island. Inbetween will be two visits to Venice (lucky Venice). There is speculation that Auckland might be another possibility as well.

And that is it. Tomorrow I'm into Plymouth early to get a parking space , a breakfast and a stroll around the Hoe before finding my pitch/location. I'll take a seat with me, Camera and binoculars and try to get some good pictures capturing the action and atmosphere. Next weekend, well I'll take Arwen out to a spectator area and try and get some shots from the water as the boats pass


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