Tuesday 24 August 2010

odds and ends

I'm building an Iain oughtred 'Stickleback' canoe. It's a lapstrake and a lovely design which sadly I've rushed. There have been disasters as well - the planks sprung out  from one of the stems and it required a lot of epoxy and filler to get them back....so its a good job she's to be painted. She's going to be a small tender for Arwen to save me driving her up onto beaches. It isn't my best work - I know I can and have done better.

I've burned in two or three celtic designs - a cross; a celtic mythical dragon bird and a celtic dog.

I've got to sand along some of the planks; repaint the cockpit and then paint the hull.

I spent today down at Falmouth and went out on a 10m rib......zipping about in force 4/5 - quite exhilarating at times although I do prefer Arwen. We got to see some grey seals basking in what sun there was.

I also managed to pop into the maritime museum and caught up with this boat being bought alongside the fueling pontoon. All in all, it was quite a fun day.


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