Sunday 22 August 2010

in the boat shed and keep turning left

If you haven't come across Gavin's website 'intheboatshed'......then it is well worth a browse and adding to your favourites. His latest posting has a link to Dylan Winter's latest film clip. Both Gavin and Dylan are amazing in their knowledge, skills and commitment to what they do. You can find many more of Dylan's clips on you tube - try searching 'keep turning left'. He also has a subscription based website where you can pay for and download his films

I'm waiting for the weather here in Plymouth to pick up a little so that I can get a sail up the Tamar. 'She wot must be obeyed' has asked if she can come could have picked me off the floor!!  Maybe its a guilt thing over giving me the wrong forecast last week......or maybe she actually does occasionally like spending time with me.........I'll go with the latter! If I can get up as far as Cargreen or a little way up the Lynher - I'll be watch out for post updates next week. In the meantime, although not in Arwen - I will be out of Falmouth for a couple of hours on a fast rib sometime next week and will post a little summary of what I discover.  In the meantime enjoy Gavin's site and the links to Dylan's at


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Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.