Sunday 27 June 2010

'recon' of tamar slipways

I managed to crawl out of bed yesterday and went to get some fresh air by taking a pokey at the slipways eitherside of the Tamar bridges. These are good launch places if I want to go down the River will save a couple of hours sailing up from Queen Anne's Battery. Both are also 'free' - so that's a bonus!

This the slipway downstream of the two bridges on the saltash side.
Photo taken at around 4 hrs down from high tide

Full length shot of slipway; pretty sharp turn at top and only a few dedicated parking spaces
These get filled rapidly. There is some on street parking available but get there early!

The slipway seems to extend a fair way out but be warned - too far out and there is a current that drags the boat around

Also, there isn't anywhere to tie off the boat so single handed launches are difficult........!

North of the bridge is another slip. The car park here is allocated spaces - people apply to Caradon Council and pay an annual fee - so you cannot take one of the numbered spaces. You can use the free car park next door and leave the trailer on the road or park your whole rig on the road but bring your trailer clamp with you and get there early.

This slip driest out at around three hours down from high water.
It also has a very nasty drop off (deceptively shallower in this photo than in reality)

Nice angle of slip; wide enough for two boats to launch at same time.
However, there aren't any tie up rings lower down the slip
Again, this makes it very difficult for single handed launchers like me!!

There are other things to see in the immediate vicinity.....the two bridges above are pretty impressive - the Brunel railway bridge is over 150 years old for a start. Then there is the Union Inn, with its rather impressive murals....its also a well known live music venue as well....and it has a great waterside location to boot!

Well known local landmark highly visible from the Tamar road bridge above which connects Devon and Cornwall

The side wall is equally as impressive - that's quite some mural of local characters and Saltash Passage history

A small shingle/mud beach in front of the pub with some local boats tied up

It was good to get out out - it helped clear the head cold a little and I was able to get some idea of the launch issues at this site. I was also able to snatch this little video clip...everyone seems to be having a happy time...and isn't that what it's all about?


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