Friday 25 June 2010

the best laid plans of mice and men.............

Doh!  Sorry to disappoint folks but don't expect that blog from Salcombe. We are in the middle of a heat wave here in UK - conditions for tomorrow are perfect......and I've been forced to bed with a stupid 'coming right out of nowhere' cold. High fever, swimming vision, constant drip of the nose and eyes cascading waterfalls. I'm off work and won't be out and about - sorry folks. Promise to deliver on Salcombe post when up and about. (I know I'm ill because her wot must be obeyed actually showed a glimmer of sympathy and asked me if there was anything she could get me.......a normal response from her is a demand for a death certificate before she feels there is anything wrong with any of us).
Take care folks...will post again sometime next week. Meantime, anyone reading this who is sailing at Salcombe tomorrow...........I'm green with envy and feeling very grumpy like a bear with a sore head (literally) and the face like the backside of a rhino who has swallowed a wasp! Have fun on the water this weekend people.


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