Tuesday 7 November 2023

When Arwen met Polly

 A quick sail with Kevin who arrived down Plymouth Sound with his lovely wooden boat 'Polly'. Not the best day for a sail - very strong spring tidal flows in nasty westerly winds which made for difficult sailing conditions on the Sound. I gave up sailing Arwen after a while - I got trapped in Jennycliffe Bay and struggled to get out of it so resorted to motoring.   Ah well! 

I was very impressed with Kev and the way he sailed Polly everywhere. It was noticeable how he could get about 40 degrees off the wind whereas Arwen prefers 60 degrees. Could I keep up with him? Could I heck 😆!! One minute we were exiting the Cattedown together, next minute he was well up Jennycliffe Bay. Then he disappeared across to Drakes Island. 

Choppy, plenty of spray. It was a good day. I followed Polly and Kev across to barn Pool by Mount Edgecumbe with a view to beaching and showing Kev how my anchor bungie buddy worked but it wasn't to be - the spring tide currents along the beach were phenomenal and I rapidly abandoned that idea before Kev arrived. 

Kev sailed plenty and I learned loads. Thanks Kev. 

And so a very short segment of video from Polly coming out of the Cattedown - You will see Arwen somewhere on occasions! 


and below my take on events out of the Cattedown!! An unintentional masterclass from Kevin on how to sail well in blustery conditions.  Boy he and Polly are a good combination. '60 seconds and gone' 😂


Kevin's YouTube channel can be found at 

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