Friday 14 July 2023

Scoping out some overnight dinghy cruising spots along the river Tamar

I spent yesterday, before the howling gales closed in on us today, scoping out some areas of the Tamar I haven't yet sailed on. I was looking for some potential overnight stops. 

A good day. Nice morning coffee and bacon roll at one marina; a nice afternoon tea and cake at Cotehele quay.  

I found plenty of places - both beaches and potential marina pontoons or quayside walls. I'd have preferred to scope them all out at low tide but this was the time I had available and so be it.  I met two very nice people in charge of Cotehele quay and Morwellham quay - who were both welcoming about the odd dinghy cruiser pitching up as long as they phoned or emailed a few days before to check out availability. 

A shout out to Morwellham Quay - they have their 'Tide Over' Music festival this weekend. I am hoping to attend in Arwen, although at the moment, tides and weather seem to be conspiring against that plan, if truth be told. 

The links are in the video description on the YouTube video site below. 
If you are local and can get up there - they'd appreciate it and it looks as if its going to be a lively event. 

Information about the wonderful Cotehele Quay can be found here: 

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