Sunday 25 June 2023

I met a subscriber today

 So there I am walking along the coastal road into Salcombe, from North Sands. A stunning lovely walk by the way if you ever happen to be down this way - along the river entrance with the fantastic golden sand beaches of East Portlemouth opposite. Plenty to see and admire. 

Anyway, I digress. Ahead is a man carrying a large pack. A coastal footpath walker, I really admire these hardy folk - the South West Coastal Path is stunning but not to be under estimated. It has some exceptionally steep ascents and descents and some really exposed areas. 

I notice he is wearing a knee brace and ask him how he is getting on. It turns out blisters are the issue and he is hoping to find a coffee shop and a chemist in Salcombe. I tell him where to find these things - make some recommendations and we discuss his progress thus far. 

And then he stops me in my tracks and catches me off guard completely.

"Do you own a boat?"

"Yes" I reply

"You the guy with the YouTube channel and the New Zealand designed boat?"

Turns out Iain, from Oxford way is a sailor, owns a wayfarer if I remember correctly and is one of my channel subscribers. He recognised my voice! Which is kinda scary really!

Iain (Ian) if you are reading this - I hope you sorted the blisters, got a well earned coffee and made it over to Kingsbridge and sorry we could stop longer to chat or take you for a coffee - we were meeting friends and already running late. It later turned out they were running even later than us - so we could have got you a coffee but when I found you - you were surrounded at Capt'n Morgan's looking well looked after and chilled so I didnt disturb you. A real pleasure and privilege for me meeting you - an amazing achievement walking with that pack weight in this heat and those blisters. Hope you made it to Kingsbridge. Stay in touch. Hope you get to sail on the Thames at some stage - an ambition of mine I must admit. If you come down this way with  your boat - drop me a line. 

An amazing guy, an amazing undertaking. 

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