Saturday 4 March 2023

beginning astrophotography

 Occasionally non boat blogs appear here. Today is one such occasion. Regular readers will know that over the last 18 months or so I have taken up Astrophotography and Astronomy. Its been fun, fascinating and frustrating, often at the same time! 

Anyway, here are some recent images I have taken over the last few months. Acquiring the image data is the easy bit. Post processing it is indeed a dark art, one I rank almost as higher dark art as that of sail trimming! 


Andromeda galaxy, one of our nearest neighbours

A recent visitor to our galactic neighbourhood and not due back for another 50,000 years 
Comet 2023 ETF Z3 

The Leo triplet of galaxies 

M45 Pleiades 

The Pinwheel galaxy

M42 Orion Nebula 

The Horsehead nebula 

My latest effort - The Rosette nebula in the bottom right with the Cone nebula in upper left and the yellow Trumpler 5 in upper middle

If you use the search bar or look back through the blog post list on this home page - you will find other blogs about astronomy and astrophotography. 
For those interested, the equipment I used is as follows: 

  • Canon 800D non modded DSLR
  • Samyang 135 mm F/2
  • Canon 50mm F/1.8
  • William Optics Zenithstar 61ii small refractor telescope
  • William Optics Wedge
  • SkyWatcher Star Adventurer 2i star tracker 
  • Benro carbon fibre tripod
  • Skywatcher stainless steel tripod
And for basic astronomy
  • Skywatcher Discovery 150i WIFI GOTO refractor telescope 
  • Skywatcher 12v powerbank 


  1. Thanks interesting post and great pictures.

  2. Hi Prosail - most welcome. It is a fun learning journey


Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.