Thursday 9 February 2023

Near Shore Anchoring

 I am always interested in this topic. I sail in a tidal range of around 5.8m at high spring tides. The beaches I land on range from steep shingle ones to long shallow mudflats. I carry a Bruce claw affair, a Danforth and a small grapnel anchor. And two spare warps of 30m each in length. 

I frequently use my anchor buddy and this is well explained by Joel

If you haven't yet come across the outstanding blog 'Joel's Navigator site' then where have you been? Joel built a navigator of extraordinary beauty and he sails it extensively in his home waters. His site is at

His most recent post will be of interest to all small boat sailors who anchor close inshore and want to go ashore occasionally without recourse to pumping up a dinghy. 

Its all great swimming ashore in the really hot summer months.....
.....but I'm struggling to remember when we last had them!

Visit his site and download an excellent PDF on 'Nearshore Anchoring Techniques'.

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