Thursday 28 July 2022

Dinghy cruising overnighter to cellars beach on the yealm - episode two

 hope you enjoy it

Lessons learned?

  1. move the halyard tie on point on the yard further up so it is about a third of the way along - hopefully this will allow the sail to pull right up to the mast
  2. move the sprit boom intersection point on the mast far higher
  3. make sure I remember to tie on the parrel beads at the tack - around the mast
  4. crank on the downhaul tension - this may need an upgrade in the block and tackle used 😂
  5. add a parrel bead loop at the bottom of the yard where the throat is to hold it securely against the mast - not so tight that the sail cannot be lowered effectively though 
Out tomorrow with those changes , so it should be interesting to see what happens.

A write up of the latest overnighter to cellars beach will appear on the blog in the net few weeks - watch this space as they say 

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