Wednesday 15 December 2021

RYA dinghy Trails for SW England

 You can find these here

Two in my local patch - one for Plymouth Sound and one for South Sands Salcombe.  Nice idea, well written and well laid out. 

The Plymouth Sound one is a nice day trip but choose your weather carefully if you are off to Bovisand. Westerlies can cause a few waves into that little beach. Be aware of some hidden rocks on the beaches of Kingsand and Cawsand.  I'm not sure I would try to haul out on Jennycliffe beach either given all the rocks and gullies just off that beach (perhaps a lighter, shallower draft dinghy might be able to do it in fairness but I would certainly keep a sharp eye out on the approach in). Similarly, going through 'the bridges' from the north on an incoming tide can be an 'interesting' experience against mid tide flows. 

Go on - ask me how I know all this!!!! Some 'hard' learning experiences! 

Clever little set of very useful resources. I might try out the Brownsea Island one next year with Arwen.  Well done to the RYA and all those who contributed to the series. 


  1. Hi Steve I have just watched another of your videos and you happen to specifically lament about the "Dreaded Diagonal Crease".
    Mate (I'm an Aussie) if you can't get rid of the crease - and even cause it to appear on the other diagonal simply by putting a bit more beef into the downhaul - mate something needs serious fettling!!!



  2. hey Frank - Merry Christmas - of sorts - given the state of things - downhaul isnt the issue - which is why we are now looking at lots of other options like how the sail is tied to the top yard, the arrangement of the sprit boom - it isnt the boat or plans - i'm just doing something stupid and I havent the nous to work out what!


Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.