Monday 17 May 2021

dinghy cruising a Welsford navigator - a much welcome shake down cruise part 2

part two video. Enjoy. 


  1. Just a couple more great videos from Arwen. Well done. Have a great sailing season. Steve

  2. Thanks Steve. hope you are all Ok, safe and well in these strange times.

  3. I love these and really appreciate the effort you put in to make the videos available. As an armchair, but aspiring, dinghy cruiser, I'd love to 'watch' you do some passage planning and see what level of detail you go into regarding weather, tides and routes.
    Enjoy the Season!

    BTW, I had to answer 5 'I am not a robot picture selection screens before I was trusted to make this post. AM I really that robotic! :-)

  4. I am so sorry you had to. I have no idea why that is though. I have made s note and when I do my next voyage I will do a bit about the passage planning as well


Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.