Sunday 9 May 2021

A much needed shake down cruise

 At last. It has been a long, long wait but finally, finally, I have been out on the water in Arwen.

The log details are simple enough:

  • Force 3 winds with gusts to 17knots; SE around to SSW
  • Low tide at 10.00am; high tide at 16.00pm
  • passage plan: to sail across to Cremyll, just inside the entrance of the river Tamar and then back out into Plymouth Sound, with possible end of day trip up the river Plym before returning to Queen Ann's Battery marina. 
In a shake down cruise I would expect to do sailing on various points of wind, practise some reefing and heaving to, re-stow some of the onboard equipment and possibly practise using the anchor buddy by landing on a near by beach.

All that went out the window. The winds were perfect for just settling back and reaching back and fore across the sound. And why not?

So, I am baffled as to how I managed to take chunks out of my rudder! A mystery; but tomorrow is clearly going to be another 'repair' day! 

Ho hum!

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