Tuesday 2 March 2021

Arwen gets a spring clean

 I got out in Arwen four times during 2020. That is our worst sailing year together. The reasons are obvious - a number of lock downs, but even so!

My first trip was 24th June and we did a five hour sail around Plymouth Sound in ESE to SE winds at a steady 10 knots with gusts up to 18kts. It was a 4.8m outgoing tide.

The second trip was 1st August. six hours sailing in F3/4 winds with gusts to F5. We went out to Draystone Buoy and Rame Head and it was very rolly. I remember that trip - I was seasick. I fell on a hatch badly and hurt my knee. The reefing system broke.  

We went out again on the 8th and then the 13th August as well. The first trip I was accompanied by Mag, her annual boat trip. Over to Cawsands, cup of coffee, sail back along the outer breakwater. Light winds, cloudless skies, 24C.  

On the last trip I was seeking out the porpoise, the tuna shoals and Minke whales. Found all except the whales. Could hear them but couldn't see them. Got some great views of diving gannets and two sunfish, so that was a good bonus. Nice SSW breeze, very light. Apparently I went up to three miles past the breakwater on the way to the Eddystone lighthouse.

Well, with the PM announcing his road map I hope to do more sailing this year than last. Admittedly there are some trip away in the motorhome that interfere with sailing plans but I should get a huge chunk of the summer. I should be able to go out on the water again from March 8th. 

And towards that aim, Arwen came off the drive for the first time since August. She was as you can see from the video, in a bit of a state. However, four hours later and she was clean, well clean-ish, with some areas for maintenance identified and her interior lockers tidied up. 

It was good to get back on board her even if it was just dream sailing along our road! 


  1. Hi Steve,

    I have been following your YouTube videos. I really appreciate what you are doing it is a window into a lovely part of our country.
    For some time I have had a desire to build a Welsford boat. I grew up sailing Wayfarers, mirrors and enterprises. The racing was fun, but it was just being out on the water closer to nature that I loved the most.
    My plan is to build a boat so that I can share some of those experiences with my children.
    The Welsford philosophy suits me well, but in realty I have never sailed one of his boats. Your videos help to understand the practicalities of ownership.
    If you ever need a crew. I can trim sails make tea and hold a camera (not at the same time).
    Keep up the good work, promoting the beauty of our country and promoting real sailing.

  2. Thank you. Sadly not getting out as much as I should at the moment. If you are interested in a Welsford boat search dinghy cruising association and John Welsford talk. Very illuminating. Arwen is scrubbed and ready for when winds abate and I'm not engaged in family commitments elsewhere 😄


Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at www.youtube.com/c/plymouthwelshboy. Look forward to hearing from you.