Wednesday 4 November 2020

The next lock down

 Well the new lock down has put paid to my forthcoming plans for an autumnal overnighter trip to Salcombe from Plymouth Sound. I had hoped to sail along the coast, and then do two nights, one up at Kingsbridge and one at Frogmore Creek. During the day between the two, I had hoped to sail eastwards along the coast to Prawle Point and perhaps a little further beyond that as well. 

At the moment, there is no guidance forthcoming on the pages of the Plymouth Harbour Commission. Last time, they stopped all boating on Plymouth Sound. 

Neither has the guidance been updated on the RYA site.

I know that the responsible thing to do is to actually not go sailing. In that way I do not create any risks where people may have to come and rescue me or give me first aid help. 

Ah well. I will have to contend with writing a few more articles for various websites. There are a few maintenance jobs to do on Arwen. I want to measure her and buy a new proper tent for her in the New Year sales. 

There are a few summer trips I can do some provisional planning on as well. 

I also have the wood downstairs to build a Kentucky Stick Chair for the garden and I'll post the building log here. 

Take care everyone. To my New Zealand friends, enjoy your sailing summer and post plenty of pictures for us on the Dinghy Cruising Association FaceBook forum. 

If you are a member of the Dinghy Cruising Association, look out for my forthcoming articles in the next few journals,  listed below:

  • Creating your own sailing vlogs parts 1 and 2
  • Constructing a traditional sailor's ditty bag
See you on the other side of lock down folks. Stay safe and well. And to my American friends, I hope common sense prevails and the election goes the way you want it to!


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