Wednesday 22 April 2020

Garden update

Five steps done today. At this rate its going to take six days.

after reclaiming the old steps

new ones start to take shape 

Each step is bespoke and bedded in carefully.  Rebar holds the step in place and the front side parts are screwed to the step in front of them.  There is 4 inches of gravel on each step on top of a weed membrane and the height of each step is around 6 or 7 inches.

20 3.8m long 200 x 50mm planks were carried up 15 steps from the road to the back garden 

Cut to size 650mm long - the ends sealed and drying in the sun

We will plant either side of the steps with bulbs and various spreading plants which will flower for next year.

I'm sort of making it up as I go but so far, touch wood, it seems to be working.

In the meantime the squirrels have been keeping me company while I work

Cabbages, spring onions, leeks and purple sprouting broccoli all planted out under the tunnel

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