Friday 10 April 2020

Dinghy cruising a Welsford 'navigator' by getting her ready for the lifting of the lock down

Enjoying the glorious Easter sunshine, I decided to do some final tidying up on Arwen in preparation for the time when the coronavirus lock down is lifted.

The jib has had some new sheets attached and has been refitted. Messing around, I realised that I may have been rigging things in the wrong order. Out of habit I always do the shrouds first and I think this is wrong.

Today, I rigged the Jib first and tensioned that by sweating the halyard. It pulled the mast forward - amazing how much flex there is in that upper mast! The result was a very taut fore-stay!

I fitted new bungee cord straps behind which I can stow waterproof bags against the hull under the side decks. A couple of deck loops were added to the coamings to better store spare warps.

Her decks were swabbed and polished; although, to be frank, Arwen needs a repaint.

Sunshine, blue skies, peace and quiet. It feels weird.

The new bungee cord  to hold back roll top bags, buckets, fenders etc
The white homemade canvas bag is for sail ties.
The blue tray holds a large anchor and rode

Looking untidy at the moment but I did offload lots of spare un-needed rope

Saggy fore-stay; a serious affliction I am told

From some time ago - last September I think 
Arwen sports her new burgee made by my good friend Dave

My last voyage, a circumnavigation of Plymouth Sound.
Here I am heading towards Jennycliffe Bay on the eastern side of Plymouth Sound

I hope all of you are well and safe. Look after yourselves, loved ones and neighbours. Please, all of you take care. 

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