Thursday 2 April 2020

Boat magazines

Some of the boat magazines have generously discounted their publications during the coronavirus crisis. Two worth taking a look at are

Small craft advisor - a lovely magazine and they are offering a period of time for free subscription and download of some back copies and then a years discounted subscription fee by 50% - see their details at

Contact them and see if it still being offered.

Another one is small boats monthly, an online magazine

Contact them for details as well

Meanwhile - the Dinghy Cruising Association journal is held at the printers, for obvious reasons ad so the DCA committee arranged for it to be sent as a PDF. I was really keen to get this edition - part two of my article on cruising the Tamar and Lynher rivers is in it. Nice to see it in print. Too long, too wordy but you have to start somewhere I guess.

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