Tuesday 18 February 2020

Installing a small electric bilge pump in a small open boat, a welsford ...


  1. ..a fine plan... I think I would't bother with the through hull outlet though.. just hang the hose over the nearest side... when I do this on Sparrow I'll just hang the hose over the companion way step so it drains into the cockpit (and from there out via the drains)

  2. Actually I was thinking about sticking pipe into open bit of centreboard casr instead. Drilling hull holes make me nervous 😁

  3. ....never fails to amaze me with what gay abandon my fellow sailers drill holes in the very things designed to keep water out... we are of like mind, and yours is a cunning plan since the case will be central for all parts of the boat... good one..

  4. The electric pump is really for shifting that water that sloshes around during a rain shower or after you have used the bucket to get out most of the water. It wont remove it all - there will always be an inch or so sloshing about and there will be what spills back down the pipe as well. So I guess the shorter the pipe the better. I will install a gusher urchin this year but I need to find a space where I can put it and use it whilst still sailing. Easier said than done. I can't afford to have one on each side of the boat - so I need to think this through a little more :)

  5. Go with the Center board dump...good plan

  6. I am leaning towards centreboard dump I must admit


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