Thursday 5 December 2019

Winterising Arwen

Winter is coming.......chilly winds, frosts, damp fogs.

Arwen has been winterised. I was holding out for a December/January sail or even an overnight up Frogmore Creek at Salcombe but its not looking promising. Even with a new tarp cover, moisture is building up in her cockpit which always leads to mould. So everything is now on the work bench in the garage and all the damp has been wiped out of her. If I go for a New Year sail I will just have to put time aside to re-rigging her again.

This is what happens when others fill your garage with 'stuff'. 
You end up having to use your work bench as a storage place!!

In the meantime, one article has been submitted; the other one is being drafted now and hopefully will be dispatched next week. Then a short break and a few more for the spring. Writing sailing articles is a new venture for me. I've written for plenty of educational journals before but that's an entirely different style and format. Steep new learning curve! I'm not feeling very confident but going outside your comfort zone is always a good thing to do once in a while.

Hopefully a toasted tea cake covered in Marmite will fuel inspiration

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