Sunday 20 October 2019

The joy in sailing a John Welsford designed navigator

Tim Ingersoll, over the pond, posted a stunning picture of 'his last sail before the fall' on one of the Facebook dinghy sailing forums I follow and he's kindly allowed me to share it here.

It is a stunning image isn't it, encapsulating all that we enjoy about dinghy cruising. Those 'anticipated moments' to come just before we depart the pontoon. The peace and solitude of the outdoors. With the lovely foliage fall colours just beginning to turn and the rippled reflections in the water, it is a serene scene. I just want to get in the boat and sail up that waterway.

Which reminds me that it is almost time to pack Arwen away for the winter and to start some long needed maintenance work.

Before then, I do have a window of opportunity next week for some pleasant day sailing. The forecast promises sunshine, 10C and light northerly winds. With a high tide around 8am, falling from spring to neaps, it should be a lovely day for a quick potter around the sound and an opportunity to try out some new action cam mounting points on top yard and boom aft area. if the sea is calm, then I can try out my new, improved 'floaty cam' as well, my attempt to try and get some shots of  Arwen sailing,  from the sea. The new rudder repairs can be checked out and with luck, no more leaking petrol tank on the outboard.

I can't promise stunning serene photographs like this though. Our trees are starting to turn and leaves are beginning to fall but the colours haven't fully developed yet. On the other hand, some lovely close up shots of the multi coloured cottages of Cawsand and Kingsand in the autumnal sunshine should suffice.

Well done Tim. Thanks for reminding us of what the joys of dinghy sailing in our hidden creeks and backwaters are all about. 

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely lovely picture - one of those rare moments that you only really experience by being there.

    Had a similar experience on Sunday up early and rowing down the Hamble at first light, the river was deserted and calm, watery sun coming up over the trees - worth getting up for. Alas no photos.


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