Thursday 13 June 2019

Making wooden oars for a dinghy 5

It continues. Oar one has been rough shaped and just needs some finishing with spoke shave. Oar two is being cut out of its blank. No machines have been used or harmed in the making of these oars. The Japanese pullsaw, spoke shave and Stanley block plane are holding up well.  I have been enjoying myself taking this slow approach to oar making.

I still have to track down leather for the loom protectors. I will be fibre glassing blade tips. The blades will be painted as will the counterweights at the inner ends. The looms will be varnished.

Following the plans......................

Tracing around the self made  patterns

hand cutting the blanks

saving the sawdust - I have no idea why though - some deep psychosis here 

Oar one almost complete 

Just needs some final spoke shave work 



  1. Are those a Chesapeake Bay design? I have the book and will build 2 pair later for my Welsford Light Dory -lockie

  2. Hi Lockie - yes they are - rather a nice design - sadly not done justice

  3. Anything built with love by hand is a creation. As long as they are strong and fit for purpose you will have done them justice.

  4. That is so true - they will be fit for purpose with perhaps the odd tweak or two - slightly irregular in line and shape :)


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