Saturday 1 June 2019

Dinghy cruising a Welsford navigator on a day sail around Plymouth Sound

Sorry it has been so long in posting another video. Here is Part One - enjoy.


  1. I voted for brexit, on the basis that the EU in all its living days, have never had their books audited.
    It's not about being European - I am - it's the politics.
    Europe is in at least, as big a mess and politicians of all persuasions, have only poured fuel on the fires of division.
    Enjoyed the sail.
    Kind regards

  2. From Fintan O'Tooles Brexit book an old Turkish proverb says that an Englishman will set fire to his bed to kill a flea.

  3. Hi Neil - I voted remain but fully understand why people voted BREXIT - the EU is in a complete mess and auditing is just one of the issues - but I sort of thought it was better to be in and throw our weight around a little better to get reform - including withholding contributions and to work with other countries who felt the same way. The EU needs reform and the new leaders of it know that.
    Like the proverb - I'm welsh - we'd make friends with the flea!


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