Saturday 23 February 2019

Dinghy cruising, Lopwell dam on the River Tavy

Cycling the Bere peninsula in the Tamar valley gave me opportunities today to pass Weir Quay but also cross over the causeway at Lopwell dam at the head of the river Tavy, a tributary of the Tamar.

I have never sailed up the Tavy. I have past its entrance several times where the Gunnislake railway viaduct crosses the river. I was rather taken with the peace and quiet of the place and the nature reserve that can be found there. Tranquillity.

I'll do some research and put it on the list for an overnight stop in the not too distant future.

If anyone has any experience of sailing up there, do let me know how you got on via the comment box below. All tips and observations welcomed. I quite liked the quayside at Bere Ferrers with its narrow channel between quay wall and mud bank but there are equally a number of nice drying out places on a spring tide up at Lopwell.

Meanwhile down at Weir Quay, there were few people making the most of the unusual spring time weather in late february. 16.5C today with ESE light breezes.

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