Wednesday 13 February 2019

Electric mountain bikes, the Camel Trail and progress on the new camera

Well 35 miles on Monday to Tavistock and back up the Plym trail and across the moors. 30 miles today along the Camel Trail from Padstow to Bodmin and back.

The Bosch batteries have around a 70 mile range on them depending on usage on the day. So far, I have been very impressed. What is ironic is that I am getting a better workout on the electric bike because I am going further distances in a a typical day!

In the meantime managed to get from auto to manual at long last.........

Was this only last summer in the garden?

September on the Cornish north coast

Looking down the Camel estuary

Spring is on the way in Cornwall

End of the line on the Bodmin steam railway 

New bike and saddle bags 

The inner harbour at Padstow in the February sunshine 

Getting ready for Easter 

Oh the number of family outings on the Jubilee Queen over the years..................

and the number of pasties consumed from this bakery by the family........


  1. Stunning photographs - what brand of camera and lenses are you using?

  2. Ooh.. more detail on the bike, please! :o)

  3. Hi Alden. The camera is a basic dslr a canon EOS 800D also known as a rebel Ti7 in the USA I think. It came with a two kit lens - a 18 - 55 f3.5 and a 55 -250 F4 telephoto. i use a tripod as well. I also have a cheapy youngnou 35 mm wide angle lens. I'm about to invest in some ND filters and a remote trigger as well.
    Anyway, how are you?

  4. Hi Steve, the bike is a TREK powerfly 4 - the basic entry level electric mtb. So far, I've done around a 100 miles on it over the last six days and I have been impressed. i get around 60 miles on one charge depending on what settings I am using and how much hill assist I use. This website gives more details. I am certainly cycling much more and for longer times and distances so I think it will improve my fitness over the long term.

    I managed to get a better price/package of extras than the one advertised as well.

    Are you well?

  5. I have read reviews on the Canon EOS 800D - it is a good solid camera and you have a set of lenses that will cover most bases for you.

    Life is good for me and mine at the moment - I sail my Zephyr centreboard yacht on the weekends, my Laser on a Tuesday evening and are spending time getting my Keeler back into a sailable state; while coping with hot record breaking February temperatures here in New Zealand.

  6. Good thanks, Steve, starting the prep for a new season on Sparrow and I'm aching in places I didn't know already.. thanks for the details on the bike, I currently have a 6 mile commute that I cycle, but from September it's going to be 12 miles as we're changing location, I really don't want to give up the bike so I'm wondering about going electric... you should do a post on it.. :o))

  7. Steve, I think electric would be ideal. It has a top speed of 16 mph under motor - so your 12 mile commute would be relatively easy depending on traffic conditions and terrain. I will do a post on the bike in a few weeks after some more time with it. if you used it just for commuting then it would need charging once a week or so

  8. sound busy Alden. i think there are wild fires up near where My brother lives on south island which he is keeping a close eye on. You are certainly having some fantastic sailing weather.


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