Tuesday 5 March 2019

Dinghy cruising, using the Speedy Stitcher to make galley box straps

Is a clever little tool. It was given as a present and has been used a few times now. I am in the 'still getting used to using it' rather than the 'mastered it' category. Stitching is still untidy. Thus far I have sewn up a tear in a halyard bag; attached some waxed thread grommets to another halyard bag and made a few webbing straps to secure anchor trays and galley boxes in Arwen.

Here is a link to one particular company who makes it with some useful guidance and tips on how to use it. I am not recommending them as I have never used them but the guidance is good. I got mine for around £25 off the internet - it came with waxed thread and spare needles.


Here are the latest straps for the second galley box which is nearing completion on the work bench downstairs in the garage.  Each strap cost me £1 - for tape and buckle. Not bad.

Of course, there are a few more small scars on the odd finger and thumb as well! 

The second galley box nears completion. I had run out of International Toplac, so International Brightsides will have to do instead. One coat on, two more to go.

All being well, a space has appeared on the family calendar - so hopefully a quick sail on Wednesday. I'm thinking I might pop over to one of the marinas at Millbrook and have a nosy, but only if tides are right.

There is a nice cafe there apparently as well. Then a quick sail around the Sound. I think the dolphins that were with us through much of January have departed offshore. But I will keep an eye out for them.

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