Wednesday 27 February 2019

Dinghy cruising galley box update

The second galley box is finished. Straps and all. It will go on on extended voyages of 3 days plus and be strapped into the starboard side of the centreboard forward cockpit area. The paintwork is rather rough - a few sags and runs - not a very professional finish  - but I was hurrying as I am under starters orders to build 'her indoors'  a new bird table! It is merely a box, nothing fancy. A tray type lid and tall enough to hold bottles of water if need be although I tend to strap in a 25 lt jerry can with a tap for long voyages.

alt="Galley box for dinghy"

Arwen has two galley boxes now and if you use the search bar for searching this blog you will find previous posts about the building of the cooking box. 

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