Wednesday 19 December 2018

Not getting out

In not getting out to Salcombe because of the horrendous weather (I mean lets face it if a Russian cargo ship can wash up onto a Falmouth beach, it must be rough!!), I content myself with  two things

  • sniffing out any new videos of Welsford navigators in action
  • scripting and editing a new trailer for my YouTube channel (which if you haven't discovered it yet can be found at
so here are some new videos of Welsford navigators in action from this year


  1. bad weather is perfect for video editing!

  2. ENRICO - Merry Christmas or is it "Auguro a tutti Voi un Natale Sereno" and "Felice Anno Nuovo"

    of course I could have got that wrong - I am relying on my wife who did an Italian evening class last year. This is the wonderful stunning woman of my dreams who a year or so ago managed to navigate Barcelona speaking Italian and Rome speaking spanish, thus confusing herself and everyone she met :)

    so if I have told you your boat is a yellow sinking submarine - i humbly apologise

    Merry Christmas Enrico, happy new year and best wishes to you and your family. Looking forward to seeing you sail in 2019

  3. Dear Steve,
    absolutely p-e-r-f-e-c-t italian sentence! :-)

    I whish you, your wife and whole family a Merry Christmas and a great 2019 (including dinghy life and all other open-air sport activities)!
    All the best!

  4. I will let her know - she will be pleased
    take care now - have a lovely christmas


Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.