Saturday 8 December 2018

New travel kit

I've written before about the film kit that I take on cruises with Arwen. Recently though, someone asked me about what travel photography kit I carry on my travels.

Well this set me pondering. I am no photographer and in fact I have just put myself on a digital DSLR photography beginners course in January after buying a new entry level DSLR camera - a canon EOS 800D

So what's in the travel bag, ready for our forthcoming Europe trip (which is still in its planning phase but is slowly coming together)?

  • a lightweight amazon basics 50" tripod, a small 10" high tripod and another flexible bendy leg tripod
  • if travelling abroad, my lightweight dell laptop or my Samsung 7" Galaxy tab
  • small portable battery pack
  • Zoom H1 microphone with windmuff
  • canon EOS 800D with 18 - 55mm zoom and 55 - 250 zoom lenses, each with protective filter lenses
  • spare batteries for above
  • manual and quick guide for above camera
  • remote control for EOS 800D
  • cleaning kit 
  • selfie stick bluetooth
  • note book
  • penknife
  • green kneeling matt
  • two GoPro Hero 5 blacks with spare batteries
  • two selfie sticks for GoPro's
  • assorted GoPro clips and fittings
  • egg timer for time-lapse on GoPro's
  • spare memory cards 
  • lightweight ear buds
All of this gear sounds a lot but actually doesn't weigh much. It gets carried in my photography rucksac which still has enough room for waterproof and flask. 

And why the sudden interest in digital photography?
I was disappointed with my photographs from our recent China expedition and I realised I need to learn far more about the basics of photography. I will never be a good photographer but learning the basics to take better photos for blog and future magazine articles will help enormously. 

the new camera will be coming with me when I attend a travel show next year where I have signed up to workshops on vlogging travel videos, taking better travel photos and writing for travel magazines


  1. The best way is to take a lot more photos and just keep the good ones (seriously). I find video editing a lot harder!

  2. I am doing that slowly 🙂


Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.